Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Random Thoughts

(If you're looking for the Powerful Pivoting offer, please go to the March 15th post.)

You are never too old to learn ... so never allow yourself to stop learning.

Life is too short to worry; worry is all about things that MIGHT happen and what is the point of that?  Deal with the here and now and don’t allow yourself to focus on negative what if’s.

People are people, no matter where you go.  Love them and meet them where they are on the path of life.  They cross your path for a reason, even if it is just to give you a smile or because they needed one from you.  P.S. - Don’t be stingy with those smiles.

Laughter IS the best medicine, so let ‘er rip!  Sometimes we forget how wonderful wonderful things really feel until we do them again.  If you haven’t felt like laughing in a while, you need to make it a priority to FIND something to laugh about.  Rent a funny movie, get some good old buddies together, or whatever it takes and let the cackled fly!  (P.S. - Have you heard of Laughter Yoga?  What a kick!)

Money isn’t everything and the laundry can wait, but your life can’t.  If you are in a rut, sometimes you are in it so deep you can’t even tell you are in it!  Take the time to figure out whether you are or not and make sure to restructure your days if you are not honoring your life fully.  Schedules CAN be adjusted and life won’t fall apart.  (Remember the walnut story!  If you don’t know it, email me at and I’ll send it to you.)

Love is free; give it away as often as you can!  You’ll be benefiting right along with everyone you give it to, so what are you waiting for?!

Don’t put your dreams up on a shelf for “someday.”  Someday never comes.  Even if you are just taking infinitesimally small micro-steps towards your dreams and goals you will be happier and saner.  Dreams are your natural biorhythms firing and to ignore them would be like deciding not to breathe ever again.  Silly rabbit, you cannot LIVE that way.

Plan regular inventories of your collection of beliefs.  Double-check that they are really yours and that someone didn’t place one of theirs into your inner warehouse.  Not only that, double-check that the beliefs you have actually meet your latest perspective of the world.  Sometimes we evolve and forget to tell old beliefs to stop firing in our psyches and they get in the way of our progress and our peace of mind.  VIP (Very Important Point):  Beliefs are simply thoughts you keep thinking, so be selective.  Okay?

Trust your intuition.  It is the voice of your soul guiding you to where you both will be happy.  It is the one thing you can trust above anything else.  It cannot betray you.  Move forward in faith.

Happiness is a choice, not a bi-product.  Choose to be happy.

Take time to enjoy nature ... not just looking at it on your television screen or computer, but being out IN it.  Soak up its charms.  Smell its secrets.  Embrace the waves of beautiful energy that nature emits every second.  Take it into your heart and let it fill your spiritual/emotional gas tank.

Remember that you are loved.  There is evidence all around you if you'll just take the time to look.

‘Til next time,


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