Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ignore Nothing!

Dear Reader,

I get so carried away in this life I love, that I sometimes forget that others might find some value in hearing about my experiences.  They are, after all, for me, just as your life is all about you.  However, I am finding such joy in some of these that I am simply bursting to share them!

Yesterday, for example, I had something happen that made me realize just how finely tuned our guidance can be.  I was putting some clean dishes away and as I was setting some mugs on a shelf of my baker's rack, I had the thought float through my mind that I should simply change the order of placement of two of the mugs I had just set down .... you know, just swap their places on the shelf.  I pushed that thought aside, thinking that I was just being finicky, or petty, or something.

An hour later, as I took a drinking glass from a shelf above the mugs, I didn't lift it high enough and the glass in my hand hit another glass, knocking it off the shelf.  On its journey to the floor, it hit a mug and broke off its handle.  It just so happens that it was one of the two mugs I had had the guidance to switch around earlier, and, sadly, it was my favorite mug (while the other mug was one I had recently been considering giving away).

Now, I will admit there was a bit of a feeling of loss within me as I knelt to pick up the broken pieces, but when I did a quick inventory of my emotions, I realized that I was quite at peace about the whole thing.  And as I surveyed the entire scenario and my emotions a bit more, I realized that I was in a deep state of gratitude inside.  I mean, if I would have stopped looking within when I encountered the sadness over the loss I never would have discovered the inner part of me that was in such gratitude!

This is the type of thing I encounter with clients all the time ... realizing the things that lie beneath, what I call the face-behind-the-face and the voice-behind-the-voice that reveal the difference between what the conscious self is aware of and experiencing, and what the soul is aware of and experiencing.  As we focus more and more on getting in alignment (the phrase so often used when referencing the Law of Attraction principles), this type of reality can be ours all the time:  living closely with the warmth and presence of our soul, which is at peace with all things ... even the loss of a favorite item ... because it knows all things bless our journey.

I think I shall be on the lookout for my next favorite mug ...
I'm sure it is just around the next corner ....
Wait for it ... savor it ... ahhhhhhh ...

EnJOYing the JOurneY!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Major Manifestations in 2011

As I look back over 2011, I realize that I have severely neglected this blog, even though I have been a manifesting magician! So, I thought I'd take a moment to share some of the things on my long list of manifestations. First, though it happened in late 2010, my son came back into my life, so 2011 was full of firsts as I celebrated holidays and many amazing moments with my now-adult son. My car became fully mine, the first car I've ever paid off in full. I upgraded my home from a nice-but-almost-claustrophobic studio to a large walk-out with lots of light and a lovely wooded backyard, complete with garage parking, snow removal and all utilities paid, not to mention a huge upgrade in landlords (I just love her!). My psychic/coaching/consulting business has taken off stunningly, with request to give workshops and lectures out of state and maybe even participate in a Peace Cruise. My sons are all happy and well. My friends are awesome. And I have written, danced, laughed, painted, organized, played cribbage, and created to my hearts total joy. I have heard some beautiful new music that is now a part of my personal collection. I just got myself a new crochet buddy and we may turn it into a circle where we chat about manifesting while we stitch ... who knows! But best of all is that I can FEEL the universe conspiring to bring me my JOY!!!

I know I am leaving out a lot, but you get the idea. Have you taken a good look at your year? I hope this has inspired you to count your blessings from 2011, and maybe to start believing that the universe is conspiring for your joy too!

May you have a blessed and enchanted New Year!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Smooth Sailing

Having had a life full of excitement and joy, interspersed periodically with drama and even sometimes pain, a life that seemed nonstop, I have often longed for a period of calm where I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

I just realized ... I have that right now!

What a fabulous manifestation. It feels so free!

I know I'll love the next adventure that comes my way, but, for now, I am really enjoying these lovely smooth waters.

To your bliss,

Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Is What I Want Not Manifesting?

When you don't know why you are not manifesting what you want into your life, take this test.

Question 1: Do I trust that the universe will give me what I am wanting?
Question 2: Do I trust that the universe is, right this very moment, rushing about aligning all manner of miracles to slip my desire neatly into my life?
Question 3: Am I flowing gratitude for this answered desire right now?
Question 4: Have I surrendered this desire to the universe?

I have stated these four questions in this order for a reason, although in truth, the last should be first. However, usually after reading the other three, the fourth makes more sense.

In truth, you cannot hold the vibration of TRUST if you have not first achieved the vibration of SURRENDER.

Can you see that? Can you feel that?

It is a delicate dance, this game of Deliberate Creation. By getting more and more conscious of how you feel, you will master this dance. Developing your awareness of how you feel, using words that describe emotion, can hasten the process.

Try this ...

Take a moment to still your mind. Close your eyes and contemplate the essence of the word GRATITUDE. Let the essence of this word fill you up. If it helps to peruse your memory for things you are grateful for in order to generate the emotion within you, do that. However, move as quickly as possible from focusing on the thing for which you are grateful to contemplating GRATITUDE itself so that you can discover the vibrational resonance of this Living Word.

Next, move to the word TRUST. What does it really mean to you? How do you feel when you are in a state of TOTAL TRUST? Wrap yourself in the feeling of TRUST, allowing the essence of this word to completely envelop you. Let the resonance of TRUST permeate your being.

Now, move to SURRENDER. What does SURRENDER feel like? What are the subtle nuances that reside within the vibration of SURRENDER? Let the resonance of SURRENDER fill every crevice of your beingness.

Now, while you are feeling the vibration of SURRENDER, also pull to you the vibration of TRUST. Can you feel their compatibility? Can you feel the partnership these two words share? Let SURRENDER go and focus once more ONLY on TRUST. Can you do it? Can you feel that SURRENDER is actually an aspect of TRUST? It never really leaves TRUST's side.

Getting clear on how each of these words feels, how they work together, and how YOU feel when you are holding them in your resonance field on a particular topic is a wonderful tool to speeding up your manifesting. Working with this trilogy of words is a foundation block on which you can build your Law of Attraction work. Make this exercise with SURRENDER, TRUST & GRATITUDE one of the cornerstones of your LOA work.

You will be glad you did!

Seeing you with strong manifesting muscles,

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Head versus Heart: A Vibrational Conundrum

I find myself getting clearer and clearer on how Law of Attraction works in my life, and within me, the more I work with it.  I have been studying this material for more than 15 years now and yet it is in the application and observation that the real comprehension is revealed.  It is also quite clear to me that I will never be done being a student of this material as there are just so many parts of life to which I have yet to apply it.  Yet it is not really important as I am discovering that I care less and less about things and more and more about simply feeling good. It must first and foremost be about my heart's happiness.  I must stay out of the quadrant of the head and fully into the realm of the heart.  And for me, I find that it cannot really be separated from my spirituality.  

By this I mean that I realize that no matter what my head or ego may want, what my soul wants is truly what will manifest as my heart sends out far more powerful signals to the universe than any other part of me.  My spiritual beingness is at the core of this and feeding my inner (spiritual) landscape is key to remaining in the place where Law of Attraction can do its best work.  This is where I have found my "sweet spot."  

Given this observation, I would love to share a couple more thoughts.

First of all I'd like to share that there is actual scientific data that supports this.  The organization known as HeartMath has clinical research that shows that the heart is a brain, and that this heart-brain is stronger than the brain we've known about since our earliest school days.  (You can find some of this research at their website:  Here is a small bit from their research online:

"The heart's electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain.   This field, measured in the form of an electrocardiogram (ECG), can be detected anywhere on the surface of the body.  Furthermore, the magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 5000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain, and can be detected a number of feet away from the body, in all directions, using SQUID-based magnetometers."

So, becoming more aware of what the heart is up to (versus the constant streaming of our mind-talk) might just be a worthy and beneficial pursuit.

I wish everyone would take a deeper look at how the Law of Attraction works and how they are trying to apply it in their lives given this information.  I have a feeling that if they could get clearer on the difference between what requests their head and heart are sending out to the universe, they would gain a whole lot of clarity.  I'm pretty sure that within that clarity you would find enough evidence of how much your heart is invested in your Joy that you could begin to relax and enjoy the process a bit more.  Like the boy in The Alchemist who feared his heart would betray him, you too will ultimately find that your heart will never lie to you or betray you in any way.  Its sole desire is to increase your Joy.  Once this awareness dawns within you, you will realize that you don't need to work so hard at, or with, the Law of Attraction as it is always working to fulfill your heart's desires.  

This naturally leads one to the realization that our only work then is to relax and KNOW that our good and our joy is on its way to us!  I mean this seriously ... matter-of-factly.  The moment our heart conceives it, the universe creates the loving response that will thrill our heart.  And then we need only to be a vibrational match ... a receptacle of surrender (no expectation on HOW the desire will manifest), trust (knowing that it can't not be and that the universe will deliver as much wonder and delight as we are able to receive), and gratitude (that it is already done) ... and your heart's desire will be yours. 

I think that what hangs most students of LOA up, or what convinces others that it doesn't even exist, is that they are so set on what they want in their head that they don't realize the desire emanating from the soul (heart) and that what their head wants may not be the best thing to grant the heart's desire and so they are creating a vibrational conundrum.  Which, of course, binds the proverbial "hands" of the universe.

And so, our greatest work most likely lies in undoing the beliefs we've been taught about not trusting our hearts ("you know what you have to do", "you can't always have what you want"), not following our hearts ("get your head out of the clouds", "keep your feet on the ground") and accepting the truth that our hearts DO have our best interest (highest good, ultimate joy) at heart. 

This process will probably be different for everyone, but getting clear on "the work" is a good start in the right direction.

enJOY your JOurneY!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Can We Actually Order Up More Bliss?

I won't debate with you whether it was a dream or not, but last night I had this experience with these "angelic surgeons" who seemed to be working on me as if they had my physical body cut open and were performing "surgery" on my spiritual body and my emotional network.  It was kind of like a sci-fi movie in that my conscious self was "checked out" but could observe what was happening.  At one point, my voice, but much more rich and resonant, and with what seemed like a touch of Hollywood vibrato, came from someplace unreal and excitedly said to these surgeons, "Increase my capacity for bliss!"  Now, this is a phrase I used a lot several years back, but I haven't used, or even thought of this phrase in a very long time.  That it came out of me ... and not via my conscious mind ... startled, and THRILLED me!  But what thrilled me even more is that these "surgeons" responded to the request.  I felt a wave of joy flow through me as if someone had just cranked up the volume on a car radio!  It lasted for what seemed like hours.  As it went on and on, I thought that at some point it would get to the point where I couldn't stand all that joy anymore, but I never did!!!

How much do we "settle" for what seems to be in our lives?  How much are we really designed to understand, feel, think, create, flow, and soar?  I think our physical bodies have created such an illusion of our humanity and of limitation that we have only a smidgeon of awareness, a pinch of imagination, and a dash of belief ... compared to what is actually possible.  I am not the only one who has had things like this happen to them.  Stories similar to mine are recorded in great volume throughout the world and throughout time, actually.  They could be taken as dreams, wishful thinking, madness ... OR ... as spiritual glimpses into a Reality more real than we are currently allowing ourselves to experience.

The Art of Allowing as explained by Abraham-Hicks speaks to this kind of thing as they encourage us to focus on alignment with our good ... with what we are desiring ... so that we can let it in.  Imagine what your life would be like if you allowed yourself to increase your capacity for bliss by just 5%.  What if you increased it by 1% every day for a month?  How would your life be different from what you have been experiencing?  Can you think of ways to align yourself with bliss, or what you believe bliss is, or would feel like?  Can you imagine if you increased it by 1% every day of your life for the rest of your life ... if the capacity for bliss were endless?  It IS endless!  So stretch your imagination so far right now, this very minute, that you build the knowing that you have much more bliss available to you than you every thought about before, and feel the determination well within you to amp it up in your life!  

It is all there ... waiting for you!

Amp it up!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

When It Rains, It Pours!

I just wanted to share with all of you that my world just seems to have opened up and is raining JOY!  Miracles are happening all around me.  Every area of my life has been touched in some beautiful way or another!  There are several things I've been doing to align with all this joy, but the most important thing I think I've noticed is my utter abandonment of doubt.  Just thought you'd like to know.

Blessings in Abundance,