Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Choose Happiness

(If you are looking for the Powerful Pivoting Opportunity, please reference the post from March 15th.)

Some years ago a boss of mine told me that he heard a speaker once (Anthony Robbins, I believe) talk about choosing every morning before you put your feet on the floor to be happy and to feel the wonder of life ... OR to decide to have a rotten day. He told me that he started to do that, literally, and he found that when he faced himSELF with that choice each morning he found he never wanted to choose to be miserable.  So he always chose happiness ... and ... once he started to CHOOSE HAPPINESS, he never had a "bad day" again! 

So, I started to CHOOSE HAPPINESS too. And you know what? I have found that, even on a "difficult day," I AM HAPPY! There is a river of joy within us all. All we have to do is decide not to block the flow!

I hope that you can feel the joy I possess flowing to you through this amazing thing called The Internet!  For me, this is real.  This is a way of life.  This is what I have come to know is our natural state of beingness.  May it be infectious! May your own river of JOY be absolutely bursting from its banks!

Love, Joy & Happiness!

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