Friday, March 21, 2008

Law of Attraction & The Four Agreements, Part IV

(If you are looking for the Special Offer for the Powerful Pivoting Program, scroll down to the post from March 15th.)

The Fourth Agreement from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book called The Four Agreements is “Always do your best.”  Again, this doesn’t quite seem like a Law of Attraction principle, but if you read the chapter on the Fourth Agreement you find a very different message than at first you might expect.  Ruiz focuses on how you do what you do.  I was quite struck by the LOA-ishness (my newest word; like it?) of his definition of the Fourth Agreement, particularly in this excerpt:

“If you take action because you have to, then there is no way you are going to do your best.  Then it is better not to do it.  No, you do your best because doing your best all the time makes you so happy.  When you are doing your best just for the pleasure of doing it, you are taking action because you enjoy the action.” 

And later in the chapter he says, “If you’re doing your best, you will feel good about yourself,” which is so similar to Abraham saying, “You will know you are on the right track because you will feel good.”  It is no wonder that the very closing sequence of the movie The Secret is of Rhonda Byrne, creator of The Secret, writing the words FEEL GOOD in the sand on a beach.  This is the key to everything; your emotional guidance system will tell you, via your emotions, whether or not you are on track with your life, with your choices, with your Now Moment, by whether or not you feel good.  

So I’ll rewrite this last Agreement into my own words, okay?  It’s my blog so I’m entitled, right?  So how about this:  

Do your best to always feel good.

Now that’s what I’m talking about.


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