Saturday, December 31, 2011

Major Manifestations in 2011

As I look back over 2011, I realize that I have severely neglected this blog, even though I have been a manifesting magician! So, I thought I'd take a moment to share some of the things on my long list of manifestations. First, though it happened in late 2010, my son came back into my life, so 2011 was full of firsts as I celebrated holidays and many amazing moments with my now-adult son. My car became fully mine, the first car I've ever paid off in full. I upgraded my home from a nice-but-almost-claustrophobic studio to a large walk-out with lots of light and a lovely wooded backyard, complete with garage parking, snow removal and all utilities paid, not to mention a huge upgrade in landlords (I just love her!). My psychic/coaching/consulting business has taken off stunningly, with request to give workshops and lectures out of state and maybe even participate in a Peace Cruise. My sons are all happy and well. My friends are awesome. And I have written, danced, laughed, painted, organized, played cribbage, and created to my hearts total joy. I have heard some beautiful new music that is now a part of my personal collection. I just got myself a new crochet buddy and we may turn it into a circle where we chat about manifesting while we stitch ... who knows! But best of all is that I can FEEL the universe conspiring to bring me my JOY!!!

I know I am leaving out a lot, but you get the idea. Have you taken a good look at your year? I hope this has inspired you to count your blessings from 2011, and maybe to start believing that the universe is conspiring for your joy too!

May you have a blessed and enchanted New Year!