Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Law of Attraction & The Four Agreements, Part I

(If you are looking for the Special Offer, please scroll down to the post from March 15th.)

In the famous book by Don Miguel Ruiz called The Four Agreements, he shares ancient Toltec Wisdom passed down from generation to generation and finally entrusted to him.  He breaks the wisdom down into four simple statements by which one is to live his or her life.  This little book is small and I often take it out and put it beside my bed to read in small snippets before drifting off to dreamland.  

Just today I picked it up to start this process again.  Instead of just putting it there for later this evening, I cracked the book open to grab a few words to tumble around in my head today.  I actually opened it right to page 25, which is the first page of the chapter on the first statement, or what he calls “The First Agreement.”  It goes like this:

“Be impeccable with your word.”

Well, I put the book beside my bed and kept moving about my tasks for the day, but the statement was tumbling around in my mind very persistently.  When I sat down for lunch, I had the thought that this is an important aspect of the Law of Attraction, too.  We need to focus on our intentions so completely as to abandon all negative thought that runs counter to what we want.  We need to “tend to our vibration” and “clean up our vibration” as Abraham says over and over in books and lectures.  We need to be, do, say, and feel only those things that resonate positive vibrations regarding the topic of our intent, or desire.  

I thought of how very recently two wonderful friends had sat in my living room and, when I responded to their asking about what was happening in my life, pointed out the times I said something that wasn’t absolutely positive in my words about that which I was wanting to manifest.  There was plenty of acknowledgement of the good, but some skeptical words crept out between the positive ones.  They were not necessarily negative statements as the world might perceive, but there was definitely skepticism, or statements of the “fact” that my manifestations had not yet come into being.  

I realized how insidiously these little thoughts and words had crept into my mind and speaking and how they had slowly contributed to the corruption of my dream.  They had not destroyed it, but they had corrupted it, tainted it, weakened it in some way.

I have been accused more than once in my lifetime of being a Pollyanna, one who seems blinded to the flaws of life as they look through their rose-colored glasses.  While I pride myself in being grounded, it is clear to me that in order to get what you want in your life (and I’m not just referring to physical manifestations here) you must be totally focused, as if you have horse-blinders on.  You cannot let your focus be swayed in any way.  If you look back through history, this is how the greatest inventions and thoughts have come to us ... through those who held to their vision and relentlessly pursued their dreamsl

So, I went to my bedroom immediately after finishing lunch and read the whole chapter on the first agreement.  I have set a new intention to clean up my words about this dream and make them impeccable once more, or for the first time, and let this intention spill over from this dream to all the other dreams of my life.  I want to be FULLY impeccable with my words!

One more part of impeccability I want to share with you today is the part regarding with whom you choose to share your dreams as you are bringing them into your reality.  No one but you knows how delighted your dreams make you feel or how much you want them.  I am reminded of a scene in a movie I saw recently (Last Holiday) where Queen Latifah is talking to her sister who is excited because she believes she is about to become a country music singer.  Queen Latifah tells her there is no such thing as a black country music singer and her sister responds, “I am not asking you to comment on the validity of my dreams.”

This is the impeccability level you need for your own dreams.  You don’t need anyone else’s permission to have a dream, so why discuss them with others and open the proverbial floor to those who might (not very impeccably, I might add) try to mar or nay-say your dreams?  Not speaking them out loud is one way to preserve their impeccability, but you might also be able to find your way to your highest, purest thoughts by sharply honing your focus.  Then no matter what anyone else says or does you will not allow yourself to be derailed from your course.

One of my teachers describes this process as claiming your seniority ... or “being senior.”  This simply means that YOU are the best one to know what is good for you to think, feel or be and you assert your seniority in choosing to believe and be that which you know over that which others are trying to impose upon you.  In other words, you don’t surrender your personal power or your dreams to anyone or anything else.  

Thank you Jamberry for your loving nudges, and may all of you feel the love in my nudge, here in this blog post, to make your own commitment to impeccable words for your life and your dreams.  The power to make your dreams into reality lies in your hands, and in your mouth, and the level of your dedication to this aspect of your manifesting will determine how slowly or quickly your dreams arrive, and the level of incorruptibility with which they reach you.  

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