Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone
As you may know, I am in the process of transitioning from a traditional job in Corporate America into some personal businesses. The transition has been occurring for quite some time (which is something else I’ve manifested). Just days before my last day in the corporate role, I found myself going through many emotions. I would even say that I felt a bit paralyzed. Stuck may be a better word.
One day, as I sat in a workshop related to one of my new ventures, I felt myself slip into Observer mode, where I was observing me and my life as if I was some unbiased “Other.” I saw my life from “above” as if I could see time as a story. I saw all the events that had led to the moment of sitting as a participant in the workshop, and all the potential moments that were yet to come, depending on what that Me sitting there chose to do.
The most obvious thing was that everything was perfect. Given everything that had led up to that moment, even things I’d perceived as “mistakes” or “delays,” everything I wanted was completely possible and vibrantly there for me! I was right on track!
I decided to have a little “chat” with The Observer. As I pondered what I was seeing, I wondered why I had felt “nervous” at times recently. From the broader perspective of The Observer I realized that I didn’t fear what I wanted, nor my ability to make the transition to this new life; rather, what I was feeling was the dis-comfort as I took the steps out of my comfort zone into things as of yet unfamiliar to me.
This was a wonderful ah-ha moment! I also realized it actually wasn’t the first time I’d had this thought and it made the ah-ha kind of comical. A verse I’d written years ago came to mind and I went back to my notes to find it. Here it is:
Let’s Talk About Comfort
We dream of things in our lives
And in our experiences
That we have not yet known…
So how can we expect
To always feel comfortable
As we move into the unknown
To be with them?
CJ (26-Jul-2003)
After realizing this aspect of what The Observer was seeing, I noticed something else. The Me sitting there in the workshop didn’t seem all that excited about the new things appearing in her life. How could that be? All her dreams were just footsteps away! She knew what she needed to do and what she wanted to do and it was all good stuff, but it seemed she just couldn’t get excited about it even though it was what she’d dreamed about for so much of her life. What was going on?
And from The Observer’s perspective I saw that it was all part of a reprogramming of neuropathways. Every day had held certain activities, certain stressors, certain events happening at certain times (leave home at 7:30 to drive to work, work 8:00 – 5:00, drive home, cook dinner, blah, blah, blah). The tasks associated with the job were not what the new “work” would be. Everything was being reshuffled, resorted and realigned.
The joy was still there. The dream was still intact. There was no problem, just a process that was efficiently taking place.
The seeming “stuckness” was not “stuckness” at all! She … I … was … am … filling myself with all the new tools I need and re-routing all the little electrons traveling my neuropathways so that I can welcome all the dreams that lie before me. I’m not falling out of alignment … I’m getting INTO alignment!
Well, that put a whole new spin on things. Guess who’s happy now?!
One day, as I sat in a workshop related to one of my new ventures, I felt myself slip into Observer mode, where I was observing me and my life as if I was some unbiased “Other.” I saw my life from “above” as if I could see time as a story. I saw all the events that had led to the moment of sitting as a participant in the workshop, and all the potential moments that were yet to come, depending on what that Me sitting there chose to do.
The most obvious thing was that everything was perfect. Given everything that had led up to that moment, even things I’d perceived as “mistakes” or “delays,” everything I wanted was completely possible and vibrantly there for me! I was right on track!
I decided to have a little “chat” with The Observer. As I pondered what I was seeing, I wondered why I had felt “nervous” at times recently. From the broader perspective of The Observer I realized that I didn’t fear what I wanted, nor my ability to make the transition to this new life; rather, what I was feeling was the dis-comfort as I took the steps out of my comfort zone into things as of yet unfamiliar to me.
This was a wonderful ah-ha moment! I also realized it actually wasn’t the first time I’d had this thought and it made the ah-ha kind of comical. A verse I’d written years ago came to mind and I went back to my notes to find it. Here it is:
Let’s Talk About Comfort
We dream of things in our lives
And in our experiences
That we have not yet known…
So how can we expect
To always feel comfortable
As we move into the unknown
To be with them?
CJ (26-Jul-2003)
After realizing this aspect of what The Observer was seeing, I noticed something else. The Me sitting there in the workshop didn’t seem all that excited about the new things appearing in her life. How could that be? All her dreams were just footsteps away! She knew what she needed to do and what she wanted to do and it was all good stuff, but it seemed she just couldn’t get excited about it even though it was what she’d dreamed about for so much of her life. What was going on?
And from The Observer’s perspective I saw that it was all part of a reprogramming of neuropathways. Every day had held certain activities, certain stressors, certain events happening at certain times (leave home at 7:30 to drive to work, work 8:00 – 5:00, drive home, cook dinner, blah, blah, blah). The tasks associated with the job were not what the new “work” would be. Everything was being reshuffled, resorted and realigned.
The joy was still there. The dream was still intact. There was no problem, just a process that was efficiently taking place.
The seeming “stuckness” was not “stuckness” at all! She … I … was … am … filling myself with all the new tools I need and re-routing all the little electrons traveling my neuropathways so that I can welcome all the dreams that lie before me. I’m not falling out of alignment … I’m getting INTO alignment!
Well, that put a whole new spin on things. Guess who’s happy now?!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Deliberate Creation: Creating Your Life As YOU Want It To Be
Deliberate Creation; what a concept. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?
Ah, but how to achieve this, that is the question. I know it can feel sometimes like life has got hold of you, rather than you having a hold of it. Like you are caught up in a rushing current that seems to send you this way and that without your consent, and especially without your enjoyment, maybe even dashing you against the occasional rocky shore or sending you crashing over a gorging waterfall.
We've all been there. We've probably all had our share of rocky, joyless rides and come through on the other side to that smooth ride where we can breathe deeply again, emit sighs of gratitude and take in all the beautiful scenery once more. So how can we get to this better-feeling result without the extremes of the journey? There is no secret, just a simple action.
Pay attention to every time you slip into negative thinking and gently (without any self-reprimand) move yourself into positive thought and action.
That’s right … action. You can’t just think your way through life. Whether you realize it or not, your negative thoughts are actually creating negative action. Inaction is an action. It is a choice to sit still, and sitting is an action (remember that action verbs end in ‘ing’ … even be-ing is do-ing something). And to make things even more interesting, remember that you can either create your life deliberately, or you can create it by default (by leaving it to the "fates").
I know a number of people, myself included, who have chosen to cut television viewing and newspaper reading out of our daily activities altogether. These choices don’t keep all the bad news out of our lives by any means, but they go a long way in moving and aligning us with what we are desiring. By choosing less to take in negative views of the world around us, we open (choose) to take in more positive views of our world. This type of choice of action can be done with any subject matter to start making the shift to a new, better-feeling place.
But there IS more that can be done. We can create mechanisms that will help pivot us from holding negativity and which can and will generate a stream of positivity into our lives! We can use these tools and games to remind us in light-hearted ways of our goals and to feel joy in moving toward them.
So if you are going to bring the lesson of deliberate creation firmly into your bones, into your experience, and create the joyful life you desire, it's time to get in motion in the direction of what you are wanting! It could be as simple as monitoring yourself so that you stay in line with positive thinking. It could be writing down what you want. It could be talking to a friend about your dreams for your life. It could be taking a small step in your wealth-building activities: buying a new wealth book, giving money away (tithing, gifts, donations), or investing in a new business, to name a few.
There is only one way to shift away from something we do not want, and that is to SHIFT, and in particular, to shift to what we are wanting. Get clear. Line up our thoughts and emotions for what we want and never look right or left, but only firmly at our desire and walk toward it. We must not just hope for what we want. We must not start moving toward it and then allow ourselves to be diverted by less important distractions. We must not begin to doubt it is there in our lives already. We must move toward our desires with confidence and joy, seeing their full glory before us and knowing they are ours even before we hold them in our hands. Like Yoda told Luke in one of the most famous movies of our time, "There is no try, only do." Walk towards what you want. It is yours.
Most everyone have heard the famous quote: “If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always gotten.” Well, do you like what your life has been offering you so far? Or are you ready for a change?
Make the adjustments in your life that will move you closer to what you are wanting. Why wait? Start now! The only thing that is at stake is your happiness, so if you are willing to compromise your joy another minute or so, I understand, but if it were me … well … gotta go! More shifting to be done!
Until next time,
Ah, but how to achieve this, that is the question. I know it can feel sometimes like life has got hold of you, rather than you having a hold of it. Like you are caught up in a rushing current that seems to send you this way and that without your consent, and especially without your enjoyment, maybe even dashing you against the occasional rocky shore or sending you crashing over a gorging waterfall.
We've all been there. We've probably all had our share of rocky, joyless rides and come through on the other side to that smooth ride where we can breathe deeply again, emit sighs of gratitude and take in all the beautiful scenery once more. So how can we get to this better-feeling result without the extremes of the journey? There is no secret, just a simple action.
Pay attention to every time you slip into negative thinking and gently (without any self-reprimand) move yourself into positive thought and action.
That’s right … action. You can’t just think your way through life. Whether you realize it or not, your negative thoughts are actually creating negative action. Inaction is an action. It is a choice to sit still, and sitting is an action (remember that action verbs end in ‘ing’ … even be-ing is do-ing something). And to make things even more interesting, remember that you can either create your life deliberately, or you can create it by default (by leaving it to the "fates").
I know a number of people, myself included, who have chosen to cut television viewing and newspaper reading out of our daily activities altogether. These choices don’t keep all the bad news out of our lives by any means, but they go a long way in moving and aligning us with what we are desiring. By choosing less to take in negative views of the world around us, we open (choose) to take in more positive views of our world. This type of choice of action can be done with any subject matter to start making the shift to a new, better-feeling place.
But there IS more that can be done. We can create mechanisms that will help pivot us from holding negativity and which can and will generate a stream of positivity into our lives! We can use these tools and games to remind us in light-hearted ways of our goals and to feel joy in moving toward them.
So if you are going to bring the lesson of deliberate creation firmly into your bones, into your experience, and create the joyful life you desire, it's time to get in motion in the direction of what you are wanting! It could be as simple as monitoring yourself so that you stay in line with positive thinking. It could be writing down what you want. It could be talking to a friend about your dreams for your life. It could be taking a small step in your wealth-building activities: buying a new wealth book, giving money away (tithing, gifts, donations), or investing in a new business, to name a few.
There is only one way to shift away from something we do not want, and that is to SHIFT, and in particular, to shift to what we are wanting. Get clear. Line up our thoughts and emotions for what we want and never look right or left, but only firmly at our desire and walk toward it. We must not just hope for what we want. We must not start moving toward it and then allow ourselves to be diverted by less important distractions. We must not begin to doubt it is there in our lives already. We must move toward our desires with confidence and joy, seeing their full glory before us and knowing they are ours even before we hold them in our hands. Like Yoda told Luke in one of the most famous movies of our time, "There is no try, only do." Walk towards what you want. It is yours.
Most everyone have heard the famous quote: “If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always gotten.” Well, do you like what your life has been offering you so far? Or are you ready for a change?
Make the adjustments in your life that will move you closer to what you are wanting. Why wait? Start now! The only thing that is at stake is your happiness, so if you are willing to compromise your joy another minute or so, I understand, but if it were me … well … gotta go! More shifting to be done!
Until next time,
Friday, June 1, 2007
Rockets of Desire
There are three steps to manifesting what you want: ask, believe, receive. Most people think that we have to ask in clear, conscious ways in order to get what we want: prayer, meditation, affirmation, petition, list-making. In truth, our beings are emitting signals all the time asking the universe for what we want. It helps to be more conscious and deliberate (one of my favorite pieces of the LOA puzzle; more on that another time), but it is not necessary. Our inner beings shoot of Rockets of Desire all the time and I want to share two recent rockets of my own.
Two months ago I went on a cruise with some friends (you KNOW who you ARE). One of our excursions found us being driven down a L O N G S T R E T C H of beach in an open-air "limo" (a covered "wagon" on wheels being pulled by a noisy tractor). Someone spotted a sand dollar and our tour guide retrieved it and gave it to a child in our group. A friend of mine spotted another sand dollar a bit further down the beach and got it. As she showed me her new treasure, I felt a rocket of desire shoot through me ... I want one of those! To make a longer story short, today one is sitting on top of the bookcase in my living room.
A similar experience occurred this past week. I was at my office complex and saw flowers being delivered for someone. Often the bouquets I see are unoriginal and very commercial-feeling. This one was beautiful and huge. I felt a rocket launch and felt myself desiring to be on the receiving end of flowers.
Last night I had a friend over for dinner. I knew she had a passion for gardening, but I never would have thought that would be a boon to me. She arrived with a GORGEOUS bouquet of flowers, fresh from her gardens!
As I was thinking today about these rockets our souls shoot off and how quickly our desires can manifest, I remembered the first time I recognized this happening within me. I lived with my 2 younger sons in Chicago and a neighbor boy knocked on my door out of breath and told me some kids were trying to fight with my sons at the park a block away. I grabbed my cell phone and started out for the park. It was the longest block I ever walked ... ran. As I made my way to meet whatever was happening there, I felt a "prayer" float from my solar plexus area, up through my heart and throat and head like a bubble and burst out of my being in the clear thought, "Send someone to protect my sons until I can get there!"
When I arrived, there was a young woman wearing a Parks Division shirt speaking to some boys as my sons looked on calmly. The unknown boys were in the process of shifting from anger to a state of embarrassed regret as I approached. They looked at me, then my sons, then back to her again and muttered an apology and left. My sons were safe and I was left standing there with their guardian angel. I thanked her and then turned to my sons to ask them if they were alright and when I turned back to thank her again, she was gone. I mean GONE. I could see quite a distance in all directions and she was nowhere to be seen!
While our encounter with an angel was indeed miraculous and seared that day in my memory for all time, it is also firmly fixed there as the day I discovered the tangibleness -- something I could really wrap my brain around -- of Rockets of Desire. That day I learned viscerally how they feel and how they work. You will probably have to have your own visceral experience to truly grok this, but I will tell you one thing I've witnessed over the years of my own personal research on rockets: the more passionate your emotional center is on a subject, the more swiftly come the results ... and this works for both the positive and the negative stuff of life.
Just to underscore this with the examples I've shared here, you will notice that I had an instant manifestation of a guardian angel for the sons I dearly love and for whose safety I was desparate; I manifested the sand dollar during our land excursion, probably because I knew the time span of that excursion would most likely be my best or only opportunity for it; and it took a week for the flowers to show up in my reality, a delight for sure, but there was no sense of urgency wrapped up in this one. See what I mean about the level of passion playing a role in the speed of the manifestation?
I would strongly encourage you to do some experimenting of your own with Rockets of Desire. Exploring this phenomenal innate event can lead you to a multitude of discoveries that will enhance your ability to create your life deliberately. It worked for me and has led to a rich and exciting journey of deliberate creation and a life filled with joy!
What have you got to lose?
Two months ago I went on a cruise with some friends (you KNOW who you ARE). One of our excursions found us being driven down a L O N G S T R E T C H of beach in an open-air "limo" (a covered "wagon" on wheels being pulled by a noisy tractor). Someone spotted a sand dollar and our tour guide retrieved it and gave it to a child in our group. A friend of mine spotted another sand dollar a bit further down the beach and got it. As she showed me her new treasure, I felt a rocket of desire shoot through me ... I want one of those! To make a longer story short, today one is sitting on top of the bookcase in my living room.
A similar experience occurred this past week. I was at my office complex and saw flowers being delivered for someone. Often the bouquets I see are unoriginal and very commercial-feeling. This one was beautiful and huge. I felt a rocket launch and felt myself desiring to be on the receiving end of flowers.
Last night I had a friend over for dinner. I knew she had a passion for gardening, but I never would have thought that would be a boon to me. She arrived with a GORGEOUS bouquet of flowers, fresh from her gardens!
As I was thinking today about these rockets our souls shoot off and how quickly our desires can manifest, I remembered the first time I recognized this happening within me. I lived with my 2 younger sons in Chicago and a neighbor boy knocked on my door out of breath and told me some kids were trying to fight with my sons at the park a block away. I grabbed my cell phone and started out for the park. It was the longest block I ever walked ... ran. As I made my way to meet whatever was happening there, I felt a "prayer" float from my solar plexus area, up through my heart and throat and head like a bubble and burst out of my being in the clear thought, "Send someone to protect my sons until I can get there!"
When I arrived, there was a young woman wearing a Parks Division shirt speaking to some boys as my sons looked on calmly. The unknown boys were in the process of shifting from anger to a state of embarrassed regret as I approached. They looked at me, then my sons, then back to her again and muttered an apology and left. My sons were safe and I was left standing there with their guardian angel. I thanked her and then turned to my sons to ask them if they were alright and when I turned back to thank her again, she was gone. I mean GONE. I could see quite a distance in all directions and she was nowhere to be seen!
While our encounter with an angel was indeed miraculous and seared that day in my memory for all time, it is also firmly fixed there as the day I discovered the tangibleness -- something I could really wrap my brain around -- of Rockets of Desire. That day I learned viscerally how they feel and how they work. You will probably have to have your own visceral experience to truly grok this, but I will tell you one thing I've witnessed over the years of my own personal research on rockets: the more passionate your emotional center is on a subject, the more swiftly come the results ... and this works for both the positive and the negative stuff of life.
Just to underscore this with the examples I've shared here, you will notice that I had an instant manifestation of a guardian angel for the sons I dearly love and for whose safety I was desparate; I manifested the sand dollar during our land excursion, probably because I knew the time span of that excursion would most likely be my best or only opportunity for it; and it took a week for the flowers to show up in my reality, a delight for sure, but there was no sense of urgency wrapped up in this one. See what I mean about the level of passion playing a role in the speed of the manifestation?
I would strongly encourage you to do some experimenting of your own with Rockets of Desire. Exploring this phenomenal innate event can lead you to a multitude of discoveries that will enhance your ability to create your life deliberately. It worked for me and has led to a rich and exciting journey of deliberate creation and a life filled with joy!
What have you got to lose?
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I Got A Raise!
I was on my way to work the other day and thinking that I needed to open my mind and really stretch myself, and pondering the thought that I could be limiting the universe in its attempts to flow money into my life. I started brainstorming about all the ways that money could show up: a rebate in the mail that I have forgotten about; winning a contest; winning the lottery; a tax rebate/refund I knew nothing about; a raise (imagine that!); money on the ground; an inheritance; paying off something in my budget that frees up more money; my book selling like hot-cakes; new clients; a friend paying me back money I didn't realize they owed me. The list got quite long in my mind and I tried to jot it down quickly when I got to the office.
I had just settled into my computer to catch up on my emails when my boss walked by and asked if I had a minute. When I followed her to her office she closed the door behind me. This is a sign of a need to have a confidential conversation, which could be either positive or negative, and my mind dashed through a mental list of possibilities.
There was a bit of small talk first, and then she picked up a white envelope on her desk. When she smiled, I knew it was good news, but when she put the document in front of me I think I had an out-of-body experience! Somewhere out there my spirit was dancing for joy, for there in front of me in black and white was a figure that was just a tad over a number I had long ago set for myself as a target income. I had arrived!
Now, if you know the whole story about what's going on in my life right now, you'll catch the irony here. For those of you who do not know me well, I am in the process of being laid off from my corporate job. Now don't get me wrong or feel sorry for me; it's all good. Everything! I am finally exiting Corporate America and diving fully into the work I've always dreamed of doing.
The irony comes in that, with a mere 40 days remaining with this employer, I was presented with this raise. The raise is in recognition of my accomplishments from last year, so it is all on track in their corporate matrix of events, but more significant than the events in the corporate matrix is how this raise is the embodiment of one of my manifesting intentions. It was almost as if the universe was saying, "See? We're slipping this in just under the wire to underscore a point; it was here waiting for you all along. It's all yours, and it's always been yours."
The magic comes in that a raise was one of the things on the list I made on the drive into the office that very day! I opened, and the universe flowed its gift into the vacuum of openness I had created and brought me three things I was wanting in one beautiful package: proof that I can receive my abundance in unexpected ways, proof that there is never a time or a way that won't work, and the achievement of that magic figure I had held as an income goal for myself. All achieved with one fun game done on my drive to work.
I've heard it said that the universe loves a vacuum and also that the universe loves speed, but I'm always a little amazed to see things manifest so quickly when I apply The Secret (LOA). What a great use of time! That was easy!
I had just settled into my computer to catch up on my emails when my boss walked by and asked if I had a minute. When I followed her to her office she closed the door behind me. This is a sign of a need to have a confidential conversation, which could be either positive or negative, and my mind dashed through a mental list of possibilities.
There was a bit of small talk first, and then she picked up a white envelope on her desk. When she smiled, I knew it was good news, but when she put the document in front of me I think I had an out-of-body experience! Somewhere out there my spirit was dancing for joy, for there in front of me in black and white was a figure that was just a tad over a number I had long ago set for myself as a target income. I had arrived!
Now, if you know the whole story about what's going on in my life right now, you'll catch the irony here. For those of you who do not know me well, I am in the process of being laid off from my corporate job. Now don't get me wrong or feel sorry for me; it's all good. Everything! I am finally exiting Corporate America and diving fully into the work I've always dreamed of doing.
The irony comes in that, with a mere 40 days remaining with this employer, I was presented with this raise. The raise is in recognition of my accomplishments from last year, so it is all on track in their corporate matrix of events, but more significant than the events in the corporate matrix is how this raise is the embodiment of one of my manifesting intentions. It was almost as if the universe was saying, "See? We're slipping this in just under the wire to underscore a point; it was here waiting for you all along. It's all yours, and it's always been yours."
The magic comes in that a raise was one of the things on the list I made on the drive into the office that very day! I opened, and the universe flowed its gift into the vacuum of openness I had created and brought me three things I was wanting in one beautiful package: proof that I can receive my abundance in unexpected ways, proof that there is never a time or a way that won't work, and the achievement of that magic figure I had held as an income goal for myself. All achieved with one fun game done on my drive to work.
I've heard it said that the universe loves a vacuum and also that the universe loves speed, but I'm always a little amazed to see things manifest so quickly when I apply The Secret (LOA). What a great use of time! That was easy!
Friday, May 11, 2007
This was a fun one, so gotta share!
I have a friend who has a rockin' good business and I love to hear her talk about it. When she does, she inevitably uses the word, "cha-ching!" I just love that word. Of course it sounds a lot like what it stands for ... money cascading into your experience. I was driving about the other day (one of my favorite activities because I can just play in my mind with so many fun thoughts, it's my own little focus temple), and in my mind I started hearing her say "cha-ching." I started playing with the word and decided I really love that word ... how it sounds, how it feels to say it, and what it represents.
I keep a Magic Creation Box full of pictures of things I want to manifest in my life. As I flowed love and gratitude about that word I felt myself shoot off a desire to manifest that word in print (I usually get my pictures and words from magazines) for my Creation Box.
Today I got a new magazine and I was turning its new pages as I ate my supper, when I happened to turn just one more page and saw: "Cha-ching!" There it was in big bold print, just like I'd wanted it! My happy word! Guess where it is now?!!!
I have a friend who has a rockin' good business and I love to hear her talk about it. When she does, she inevitably uses the word, "cha-ching!" I just love that word. Of course it sounds a lot like what it stands for ... money cascading into your experience. I was driving about the other day (one of my favorite activities because I can just play in my mind with so many fun thoughts, it's my own little focus temple), and in my mind I started hearing her say "cha-ching." I started playing with the word and decided I really love that word ... how it sounds, how it feels to say it, and what it represents.
I keep a Magic Creation Box full of pictures of things I want to manifest in my life. As I flowed love and gratitude about that word I felt myself shoot off a desire to manifest that word in print (I usually get my pictures and words from magazines) for my Creation Box.
Today I got a new magazine and I was turning its new pages as I ate my supper, when I happened to turn just one more page and saw: "Cha-ching!" There it was in big bold print, just like I'd wanted it! My happy word! Guess where it is now?!!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Manifesting ... A Horse, Of Course
I have a friend (yes, one of my many friends, which is still another story) who has a love affair with horses. She is a horse expert, or perhaps a better word would be guru. Anyway, when I met her she did not own a horse, but shortly after meeting her she got an intuition that her horse was about to enter her life. She got very excited.
Soon after telling me this, a woman she knows who breeds horses called to tell her that one of her mares was close to giving birth. My friend was sure this was her new horse about to be born. She knew it had been born before she received the phone call, and upon visiting the stables received several delicious confirmations. It just so happened that this beautiful new horse had another interested party wanting to buy it. The breeder said she could hold off the sale to the other woman for one week, but Amber needed to make her purchase by that time. It was a significant amount of money and a relatively short period of time to pull it together.
My friend told me her concern over this dilemma as we were driving one day, and I assured her that she could manifest this money. We did some dreaming about her new horse, and then played with the ideal future she wanted, playing the game of Virtual Reality, which is simply acting as if something is already so. In other words, while we drove about we chatted about her horse as if he was truly hers already and was in her life now! Anyone eavesdropping would have thought we were crazy, but we spoke with confidence and joy about this wonderful horse that had entered her life. We had a great time and left the conversation full of joy, and most importantly, confident that this was all a done deal.
For my part, I went home and spent the week excitedly awaiting the phone call from my friend telling me she had gotten the horse. I played and replayed all different scenarios of that phone call in my mind’s eye as if it was a memory I was recalling with joy and fondness.
The call did come! She did indeed manifest the money, on time (one whole hour before the deadline), and brought her beautiful new playmate home! Not only did she manifest the money, but a free stall at a boarding facility where she had also just manifested a job and a place to stay. One nice, complete package!
What a wonderful universe!
Soon after telling me this, a woman she knows who breeds horses called to tell her that one of her mares was close to giving birth. My friend was sure this was her new horse about to be born. She knew it had been born before she received the phone call, and upon visiting the stables received several delicious confirmations. It just so happened that this beautiful new horse had another interested party wanting to buy it. The breeder said she could hold off the sale to the other woman for one week, but Amber needed to make her purchase by that time. It was a significant amount of money and a relatively short period of time to pull it together.
My friend told me her concern over this dilemma as we were driving one day, and I assured her that she could manifest this money. We did some dreaming about her new horse, and then played with the ideal future she wanted, playing the game of Virtual Reality, which is simply acting as if something is already so. In other words, while we drove about we chatted about her horse as if he was truly hers already and was in her life now! Anyone eavesdropping would have thought we were crazy, but we spoke with confidence and joy about this wonderful horse that had entered her life. We had a great time and left the conversation full of joy, and most importantly, confident that this was all a done deal.
For my part, I went home and spent the week excitedly awaiting the phone call from my friend telling me she had gotten the horse. I played and replayed all different scenarios of that phone call in my mind’s eye as if it was a memory I was recalling with joy and fondness.
The call did come! She did indeed manifest the money, on time (one whole hour before the deadline), and brought her beautiful new playmate home! Not only did she manifest the money, but a free stall at a boarding facility where she had also just manifested a job and a place to stay. One nice, complete package!
What a wonderful universe!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Manifesting People
I was walking through a shopping mall a number of years ago, on my way to a department store where I was going to make my credit card payment. As I approached the escalator to go up a level I saw 3 young guys, all wearing what looked like identical black leather jackets, getting off the escalator. I had eye contact with one of them and got a very bad feeling, like they were members of a gang and that they were on a mission of mischief.
I passed them and got onto the escalator going up and was almost all the way up when I got another creepy feeling and turned around to look behind me. They had just gotten back onto the escalator and I had a feeling that they knew I had money and were following me.
When I got off at the top of the escalator, both my legs and my mind were working fast. It was the middle of a weekday, so the place was pretty bare. I thought about ducking into a store and having a clerk call mall security, but it just sounded so extreme. I decided to set the intention to bump into someone, ANYONE, I knew. My heart rate was high and so were my emotions (passionate feelings about what you want are an important ingredient in the manifesting process). As I walked and pictured myself bumping into a friend, I got calmer. In fact, I felt a tangible wave of serenity pass through my being like a cool breeze, even though I still had a sharp edge to my senses. Into my mind popped the image of a particular friend and she was smiling.
I turned a corner in the mall just then and found myself looking right into the face of the very friend I had just pictured in my mind’s eye! I heard myself call out her name and she ran the short distance between us and gave me a warm, happy hug. Her son was with her and we made a happy little group. Joy swept through me. I had the presence of mind to turn and look back the way I’d come and the three leather-clad fellows were just coming around the corner. They saw me and I swear their mouths dropped open, then they hustled guiltily back around the corner they’d just rounded and disappeared.
Doesn’t it make you wonder … if I hadn’t lined myself up in this way, would I have seen my friend? Think about it.
I passed them and got onto the escalator going up and was almost all the way up when I got another creepy feeling and turned around to look behind me. They had just gotten back onto the escalator and I had a feeling that they knew I had money and were following me.
When I got off at the top of the escalator, both my legs and my mind were working fast. It was the middle of a weekday, so the place was pretty bare. I thought about ducking into a store and having a clerk call mall security, but it just sounded so extreme. I decided to set the intention to bump into someone, ANYONE, I knew. My heart rate was high and so were my emotions (passionate feelings about what you want are an important ingredient in the manifesting process). As I walked and pictured myself bumping into a friend, I got calmer. In fact, I felt a tangible wave of serenity pass through my being like a cool breeze, even though I still had a sharp edge to my senses. Into my mind popped the image of a particular friend and she was smiling.
I turned a corner in the mall just then and found myself looking right into the face of the very friend I had just pictured in my mind’s eye! I heard myself call out her name and she ran the short distance between us and gave me a warm, happy hug. Her son was with her and we made a happy little group. Joy swept through me. I had the presence of mind to turn and look back the way I’d come and the three leather-clad fellows were just coming around the corner. They saw me and I swear their mouths dropped open, then they hustled guiltily back around the corner they’d just rounded and disappeared.
Doesn’t it make you wonder … if I hadn’t lined myself up in this way, would I have seen my friend? Think about it.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
"Knock, Knock"
One of my dear friends (and I have SO many, but that’s another story) has an interesting story of her own. This past New Year’s holiday, she decided to set intentions rather than resolutions. She liked the idea of “putting in her order” to the universe, as if it were a restaurant, knowing that when you place an order it WILL be fulfilled. One of the intentions she set this year was something like this:
“I want a relationship, and if I’m going to have one I want it to be the love of my life, and since I don’t go out much (her business is in her home) he’ll have to come to me.”
Sometime in March there was a knock on her door.
“You may not remember me, but I decided that this visit home I was going to find you before I left.”
He invited her out for dinner, this old classmate of hers, and from that first date she was smitten.
Yes, the universe brought him right to her door!
It can happen!
“I want a relationship, and if I’m going to have one I want it to be the love of my life, and since I don’t go out much (her business is in her home) he’ll have to come to me.”
Sometime in March there was a knock on her door.
“You may not remember me, but I decided that this visit home I was going to find you before I left.”
He invited her out for dinner, this old classmate of hers, and from that first date she was smitten.
Yes, the universe brought him right to her door!
It can happen!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Money! Money! Money!
I was living in Chicago for a time. I’d moved there after listening to my Inner Guidance System (aka, intuition, gut, heart). I was a single mom, recruited by a high-power corporation and I knew this move was important … not just for my career, but the path of my life. As our first winter came on, we discovered how drafty our cute rental home really was and I faced huge utility bills. My heating bill that first winter month was $750.00, and then $800.00 the next month. This was way out of my budget and I didn’t know what to do. I’d called them about a payment plan, but the thought of this debt accruing was really bothering me.
The third month of this I faced a total utility bill of about $2100.00 (I’d paid a little), and I knew this money thing was a big challenge for me. Here I knew how the Law of Attraction worked and I hadn’t been applying it very well. I’d been creating more of what I didn’t want instead of what I did want.
So one Saturday morning I got up early and started my weekend routine. I went and made tea, got my journal and favorite pen, and sat on my couch to meditate. This meditation was so full of good feelings I brought in the money topic. I was soaring! In the state I was in I could feel without a shadow of a doubt how the universe was supporting me and how easily money flows into and out of my life. The ease and love were so pronounced that I felt myself relax to a very deep state of confidence that my current situation was somehow already resolved.
I came out of the meditation, wrote my meditation experience in my journal, got up for another cup of tea, then sat back down in the same spot to catch up on my week’s mail. I had a habit of leaving “fun reading,” like magazines, for this Saturday morning time and this time I had Friday’s mail in the mix, so I started there. One envelope I opened made me gasp, then shout, then giggle with glee! It was a check … for $2600.00! Some fund from my former employer that I had no idea about had been cashed out and mailed to me.
I smiled to myself and thought … that was easy!
The third month of this I faced a total utility bill of about $2100.00 (I’d paid a little), and I knew this money thing was a big challenge for me. Here I knew how the Law of Attraction worked and I hadn’t been applying it very well. I’d been creating more of what I didn’t want instead of what I did want.
So one Saturday morning I got up early and started my weekend routine. I went and made tea, got my journal and favorite pen, and sat on my couch to meditate. This meditation was so full of good feelings I brought in the money topic. I was soaring! In the state I was in I could feel without a shadow of a doubt how the universe was supporting me and how easily money flows into and out of my life. The ease and love were so pronounced that I felt myself relax to a very deep state of confidence that my current situation was somehow already resolved.
I came out of the meditation, wrote my meditation experience in my journal, got up for another cup of tea, then sat back down in the same spot to catch up on my week’s mail. I had a habit of leaving “fun reading,” like magazines, for this Saturday morning time and this time I had Friday’s mail in the mix, so I started there. One envelope I opened made me gasp, then shout, then giggle with glee! It was a check … for $2600.00! Some fund from my former employer that I had no idea about had been cashed out and mailed to me.
I smiled to myself and thought … that was easy!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Buttons & Castles
Today I want to share with you a profound little manifestation of mine (tomorrow I'll share a much bigger one!). This manifestation has impressed me greatly. Though small, it has made big changes in my understanding of how to manifest ... anything!
I manifested a button. An unusual button. It happened like this...
I was at the home of another Abing couple and my friend, Jan, started talking about how she can FEEL the button in her hand. She was so passionate about it she held her hand, palm open and upward in front of her, stared at it, and encouraged Pete and I to do the same thing. Couldn't we FEEL it too? Well, I COULD! I still CAN! I've done this with money before and I could feel the light touch of paper on my palm. Anyway, the three of us stood there and tried to feel the button in the palm of our hands and it was so delicious. When I left their house for my 30-minute ride home, I thought about the button in my hand and the rocket I'd launched some time ago to be able to manifest things right in the palm of my hand, or "out of thin air," as I'd been phrasing it for a couple of years. It felt so fun and exciting to just tumble all these thoughts and feelings around within me as I drove home. I was actually laughing out loud in the car!
When I got home, my son came upstairs to greet me and said he had something for me. He held out his hand in a fisted fashion and just stood there grinning at me in delight. I thought, it must be something really interesting for him to be this tickled. Anyway, he said, "hold out your hand," and I did and he placed the object into my hand.
It looked like a token with an interesting Aztec or Mayan pattern on it. It was so interesting that I didn't catch at first that the two dark circles I'd taken for "eyes" were HOLES.
It was a BUTTON!
I'd manifested a button in less than 45 minutes. And actually, when I thought about it, I'd manifested immediately because he got it from work on an impulse just before he clocked out. That meant he'd gotten it just about exactly when we were standing with our hands open in my friends' kitchen!
It was a thrilling moment for me, silly as it may seem.
It was piddly.
It was impersonal.
It was insignificant.
It was preposterous.
It was poignant.
It was perfect.
Most of all, it was FUN!
Silly or not, it truly was profound for me as it highlighted in brilliant, vibrant FEELING how to manifest. It was such a stark example, in a simple form, one that I can now use as a bridge to other, more "important" desires for manifestation. For they are all truly THE SAME. "It is just as easy to manifest a castle as it is to manifest a button." (Who said that? :D)
Seriously, I can sit in meditation now that this has happened and I can translate the feeling directly into something I used to think was "big" and it now feels EASY. This experience has become a "handle" for me, or a "bridge," into more personal desires. The button experience brought me more peace, it brought me more knowledge (about the dynamics of what happens within me and then out their in the universe), but mostly it brought me to a higher place of trust ... in the process, in the universe, in the unlimited capacity and unfathomable possible applications for this, and in myself.
Funny how the lessons and the teachers appear when we are ready. Amazing how many nuances and levels and facets of understanding there are, even about one simple concept.
A good friend of mine once shared with me her tactic of asking herself, "Do you, Self, really believe that the LAW of Attraction works for everyone else, all the time, including you, but just not on this ONE subject?" Of course it does! This button experience helped me to deepen my belief in this.
Knowing we can do anything,
I manifested a button. An unusual button. It happened like this...
I was at the home of another Abing couple and my friend, Jan, started talking about how she can FEEL the button in her hand. She was so passionate about it she held her hand, palm open and upward in front of her, stared at it, and encouraged Pete and I to do the same thing. Couldn't we FEEL it too? Well, I COULD! I still CAN! I've done this with money before and I could feel the light touch of paper on my palm. Anyway, the three of us stood there and tried to feel the button in the palm of our hands and it was so delicious. When I left their house for my 30-minute ride home, I thought about the button in my hand and the rocket I'd launched some time ago to be able to manifest things right in the palm of my hand, or "out of thin air," as I'd been phrasing it for a couple of years. It felt so fun and exciting to just tumble all these thoughts and feelings around within me as I drove home. I was actually laughing out loud in the car!
When I got home, my son came upstairs to greet me and said he had something for me. He held out his hand in a fisted fashion and just stood there grinning at me in delight. I thought, it must be something really interesting for him to be this tickled. Anyway, he said, "hold out your hand," and I did and he placed the object into my hand.
It looked like a token with an interesting Aztec or Mayan pattern on it. It was so interesting that I didn't catch at first that the two dark circles I'd taken for "eyes" were HOLES.
It was a BUTTON!
I'd manifested a button in less than 45 minutes. And actually, when I thought about it, I'd manifested immediately because he got it from work on an impulse just before he clocked out. That meant he'd gotten it just about exactly when we were standing with our hands open in my friends' kitchen!
It was a thrilling moment for me, silly as it may seem.
It was piddly.
It was impersonal.
It was insignificant.
It was preposterous.
It was poignant.
It was perfect.
Most of all, it was FUN!
Silly or not, it truly was profound for me as it highlighted in brilliant, vibrant FEELING how to manifest. It was such a stark example, in a simple form, one that I can now use as a bridge to other, more "important" desires for manifestation. For they are all truly THE SAME. "It is just as easy to manifest a castle as it is to manifest a button." (Who said that? :D)
Seriously, I can sit in meditation now that this has happened and I can translate the feeling directly into something I used to think was "big" and it now feels EASY. This experience has become a "handle" for me, or a "bridge," into more personal desires. The button experience brought me more peace, it brought me more knowledge (about the dynamics of what happens within me and then out their in the universe), but mostly it brought me to a higher place of trust ... in the process, in the universe, in the unlimited capacity and unfathomable possible applications for this, and in myself.
Funny how the lessons and the teachers appear when we are ready. Amazing how many nuances and levels and facets of understanding there are, even about one simple concept.
A good friend of mine once shared with me her tactic of asking herself, "Do you, Self, really believe that the LAW of Attraction works for everyone else, all the time, including you, but just not on this ONE subject?" Of course it does! This button experience helped me to deepen my belief in this.
Knowing we can do anything,
Sunday, April 29, 2007
First Class All The Way!
I want to jump into this blog as if we've been communicating all along and I trust you'll pick up on where we are in this universal dialogue ... NOW.
In truth, I don't know where your beliefs lie on this subject, but I trust that we are a vibrational match at some or many levels since you have found your way here. I hope by now you realize that your thoughts are powerful, that they create your experience, and that you can be, do or have anything your heart desires. So, old friend, I'd like to tell you one of my latest manifestations since we go so far back (are you keeping up here?).
I was headed home from a cruise (a truly luxurious thing). I ended up sitting in the San Diego airport for a while before my two flights home, so I got a cup of coffee and sat with my notebook to record my intentions for the next phase of my trip. I wrote that I wanted to have 2 pleasant (smooth, quiet, easy) flights, with good (spacious, comfortable) seating and friendly, compatible seat mates.
My first flight was as smooth as butter and I sat on the aisle next to a very congenial young man. He offered to share his headphones and the movie he was watching on his portable DVD player. When we spoke, he was just as friendly as could be. As I disembarked I thought, “It just keeps getting better and better” and “more of this please!”
The next flight was a small express jet. As I boarded I felt a stifling heat hit me. The heat increased as I walked further towards the back of the plane towards my seat. I thought, “This isn’t right” and turned to the flight attendant who was just a few paces behind me (I was the last one to board the plane as my previous flight was just on time). I simply said, “Is there a seat a bit more forward than this one?” She smiled and said, “Just a second,” and disappeared to the front of the plane. She peeked around a corner up there and wagged a finger indicating I should come to her. When I got up front she said, “Just take one of those two seats,” and pointed just behind me. I turned and saw 2 empty seats in first class! Without a question to her, I sat down. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! That was easy!
I got a meal (for free) and an after-dinner liqueur (for free), and as fate would have it, a really friendly gentleman sitting across the aisle from me who was comfortable talking about wonderful things the whole flight. We talked about holistic medicine, Bach flower essences, spiritual books and thoughts, and I had a very nice time.
When I was drifting off to sleep that night I thought back over my day, from docking in the morning, to seals in the harbor, to time on the docks at the marina and lunch with 3 wonderful friends, and then the series of events on my flights home. I sent out gratitude for the quick and lovely ways the universe had manifested my desires, down to the littlest detail. What a wonderful life I have! Truly first class!
In truth, I don't know where your beliefs lie on this subject, but I trust that we are a vibrational match at some or many levels since you have found your way here. I hope by now you realize that your thoughts are powerful, that they create your experience, and that you can be, do or have anything your heart desires. So, old friend, I'd like to tell you one of my latest manifestations since we go so far back (are you keeping up here?).
I was headed home from a cruise (a truly luxurious thing). I ended up sitting in the San Diego airport for a while before my two flights home, so I got a cup of coffee and sat with my notebook to record my intentions for the next phase of my trip. I wrote that I wanted to have 2 pleasant (smooth, quiet, easy) flights, with good (spacious, comfortable) seating and friendly, compatible seat mates.
My first flight was as smooth as butter and I sat on the aisle next to a very congenial young man. He offered to share his headphones and the movie he was watching on his portable DVD player. When we spoke, he was just as friendly as could be. As I disembarked I thought, “It just keeps getting better and better” and “more of this please!”
The next flight was a small express jet. As I boarded I felt a stifling heat hit me. The heat increased as I walked further towards the back of the plane towards my seat. I thought, “This isn’t right” and turned to the flight attendant who was just a few paces behind me (I was the last one to board the plane as my previous flight was just on time). I simply said, “Is there a seat a bit more forward than this one?” She smiled and said, “Just a second,” and disappeared to the front of the plane. She peeked around a corner up there and wagged a finger indicating I should come to her. When I got up front she said, “Just take one of those two seats,” and pointed just behind me. I turned and saw 2 empty seats in first class! Without a question to her, I sat down. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! That was easy!
I got a meal (for free) and an after-dinner liqueur (for free), and as fate would have it, a really friendly gentleman sitting across the aisle from me who was comfortable talking about wonderful things the whole flight. We talked about holistic medicine, Bach flower essences, spiritual books and thoughts, and I had a very nice time.
When I was drifting off to sleep that night I thought back over my day, from docking in the morning, to seals in the harbor, to time on the docks at the marina and lunch with 3 wonderful friends, and then the series of events on my flights home. I sent out gratitude for the quick and lovely ways the universe had manifested my desires, down to the littlest detail. What a wonderful life I have! Truly first class!
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