Thursday, May 3, 2007

Manifesting People

I was walking through a shopping mall a number of years ago, on my way to a department store where I was going to make my credit card payment. As I approached the escalator to go up a level I saw 3 young guys, all wearing what looked like identical black leather jackets, getting off the escalator. I had eye contact with one of them and got a very bad feeling, like they were members of a gang and that they were on a mission of mischief.

I passed them and got onto the escalator going up and was almost all the way up when I got another creepy feeling and turned around to look behind me. They had just gotten back onto the escalator and I had a feeling that they knew I had money and were following me.

When I got off at the top of the escalator, both my legs and my mind were working fast. It was the middle of a weekday, so the place was pretty bare. I thought about ducking into a store and having a clerk call mall security, but it just sounded so extreme. I decided to set the intention to bump into someone, ANYONE, I knew. My heart rate was high and so were my emotions (passionate feelings about what you want are an important ingredient in the manifesting process). As I walked and pictured myself bumping into a friend, I got calmer. In fact, I felt a tangible wave of serenity pass through my being like a cool breeze, even though I still had a sharp edge to my senses. Into my mind popped the image of a particular friend and she was smiling.

I turned a corner in the mall just then and found myself looking right into the face of the very friend I had just pictured in my mind’s eye! I heard myself call out her name and she ran the short distance between us and gave me a warm, happy hug. Her son was with her and we made a happy little group. Joy swept through me. I had the presence of mind to turn and look back the way I’d come and the three leather-clad fellows were just coming around the corner. They saw me and I swear their mouths dropped open, then they hustled guiltily back around the corner they’d just rounded and disappeared.

Doesn’t it make you wonder … if I hadn’t lined myself up in this way, would I have seen my friend? Think about it.

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