Friday, March 20, 2009

Can We Actually Order Up More Bliss?

I won't debate with you whether it was a dream or not, but last night I had this experience with these "angelic surgeons" who seemed to be working on me as if they had my physical body cut open and were performing "surgery" on my spiritual body and my emotional network.  It was kind of like a sci-fi movie in that my conscious self was "checked out" but could observe what was happening.  At one point, my voice, but much more rich and resonant, and with what seemed like a touch of Hollywood vibrato, came from someplace unreal and excitedly said to these surgeons, "Increase my capacity for bliss!"  Now, this is a phrase I used a lot several years back, but I haven't used, or even thought of this phrase in a very long time.  That it came out of me ... and not via my conscious mind ... startled, and THRILLED me!  But what thrilled me even more is that these "surgeons" responded to the request.  I felt a wave of joy flow through me as if someone had just cranked up the volume on a car radio!  It lasted for what seemed like hours.  As it went on and on, I thought that at some point it would get to the point where I couldn't stand all that joy anymore, but I never did!!!

How much do we "settle" for what seems to be in our lives?  How much are we really designed to understand, feel, think, create, flow, and soar?  I think our physical bodies have created such an illusion of our humanity and of limitation that we have only a smidgeon of awareness, a pinch of imagination, and a dash of belief ... compared to what is actually possible.  I am not the only one who has had things like this happen to them.  Stories similar to mine are recorded in great volume throughout the world and throughout time, actually.  They could be taken as dreams, wishful thinking, madness ... OR ... as spiritual glimpses into a Reality more real than we are currently allowing ourselves to experience.

The Art of Allowing as explained by Abraham-Hicks speaks to this kind of thing as they encourage us to focus on alignment with our good ... with what we are desiring ... so that we can let it in.  Imagine what your life would be like if you allowed yourself to increase your capacity for bliss by just 5%.  What if you increased it by 1% every day for a month?  How would your life be different from what you have been experiencing?  Can you think of ways to align yourself with bliss, or what you believe bliss is, or would feel like?  Can you imagine if you increased it by 1% every day of your life for the rest of your life ... if the capacity for bliss were endless?  It IS endless!  So stretch your imagination so far right now, this very minute, that you build the knowing that you have much more bliss available to you than you every thought about before, and feel the determination well within you to amp it up in your life!  

It is all there ... waiting for you!

Amp it up!


Chaska Peacock said...

YES! Now, we need to clone you!
you might want to take a look at my blog
You and I are definitely on the same path.

Anonymous said...

Finally had a chance to read both your blogs and very much enjoyed them. This one in particular as I am getting ready to hit the hay and well... sounds like a great request for MY spiritual surgeons this nite! (o: much love kiddo AnnMarie