Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Have I Started a New Business?

Hello from the land of miracles!  I have to tell you my latest manifestation.  As many of you know, I moved at the end of 2008.  But this wasn't just any move.  This was a life-changing move. This was BIG.  The whole process actually began months before when I started going through papers in an attempt to downsize my paper world and not move it with me.  I went through every paper in my home!  I ended up keeping only a fraction of what I had ... shredding, disposing, getting to my sons, and even burning massive volumes of the stuff that had filled my office and several storage bins for years.  I sold the big file cabinet I'd had and now I have two of those little hanging file containers and a box of office supplies and that is it.  

But that wasn't all.  I also sold about 90 percent of everything I owned!  I had dreamt about this time in my life for years, and now it was here.  It was time to get to the core of who I was and what I wanted to bring forward into the next phase of my life and to release all the rest.  

It took months before and after the actual moving day, moving through a process that I didn't share with the world to figure out what in my life was important to my soul and what I was ready to release.  But I can tell you this:  it feels totally wonderful now to be this free of stuff! After it was all over, I heard myself telling someone, "It feels so good I think I'd like to help others do this.  Maybe I've just found a new coaching niche!"  I laughed at the thought because the idea felt so wonderful laughter just bubbled out of me, but guess what happened next!

First my massage therapist friend approached me and asked if I'd help her to sell some things because she just didn't want it anymore and it was too much to keep holding on to it.  Then another friend asked me to help her thin out her house of stuff saying that since her mother had moved in, there was hardly room to walk.  Then I was talking to a man teaching a class I was attending and somehow we got to talking about my experience and he asked if I would help his wife as they were preparing to move.  Before I even realized it, I had 3 clients!

Now, let's take this story and break it down into Law Of Attraction (LOA) terms:

I was passionate about not bringing this part of my past into my future life experience, and determined to get it done during this move.  This equals emotional desire ... what Abraham-Hicks calls a rocket of desire ... fueled by passion.  

I took consistent action to keep the goal in sight and to move to realizing it.  This equates to aligning with the desire, which shows the universe that you have become a vibrational match for what you want and broadcasts that you are ready to receive it.

I allowed myself to let go of things that had at one time held great meaning for me.  I am a writer and a lover of deep thought and meaning and I had collected a lot of articles, music and quotes ... and much, much more.  By releasing these things, I reinforced my alignment to my goal of energetic freedom.

I launched a new rocket of desire when I joyfully had the thought of sharing this freedom with others.  This built the momentum I'd already established, as well as increased the emotional alignment as I radiated joy at the thought.

When the opportunities appeared, I embraced them.  I said "Yes!"  This is the culmination of the third step in the simple LOA process described in the book, Ask And It Is Given.  The lining up (alignment) and becoming a vibrational match to what is wanted is a part of letting in that which you desire ... letting in your good.

Here is the process for your review:

Step 1 (your work):  you ask 
Step 2 (not your work):  the answer is given
Step 3 (your work):  the answer, which has been given, must be received or allowed (you have to let it in)

So, I seem to have a new business venture underway without having done a stitch of advertising or even creating a brochure or a website.  I'm sure these will come effortlessly (the business materials) now that I have welcomed this vibration and have stepped into this particular stream of wellbeing.

Is there something you would like to create that hasn't quite clicked into being as of this moment?  Can you identify which step you are on in the 3-step process above?  Usually it is Step 3, which is why we are here.  This is the nitty-gritty stuff of life!  This is the journey we came here to take!  This is where the fun is at!  All of life is about launching rockets and moving into alignment to receive the joy of them when they arrive.  

Are you ready to receive your joy?

Happy manifesting!

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